Bladder stones are formed when minerals in urine (pee), crystalize in the bladder and clump together. These stones are more likely to form when urine remains in the bladder after you urinate, or when you hold your urine for long periods of time without going to the bathroom. Stones can lead to infections, bleeding, and other long-term issues in the urinary tract. But at bladder stones painful in themselves?

Are Bladder Stones Painful?

Although small bladder stones can be treated without complications, sometimes they require medication or surgery. If left untreated, bladder stones can lead to infection and other complications. What patients want to know most is: are bladder stones painful? Unfortunately, even the smallest bladder or kidney stone can cause a lot of pain. Below, your urologist in Los Angeles will talk about bladder stones and what to expect with symptoms and treatment.

What Causes Bladder Stones?

Bladder stones form when too much urine remains in the bladder. Concentrated urine forms when the bladder retains too much urine. The urine’s minerals harden into crystals, which clump together. This happens when your bladder does not empty completely. Bladder stones can come from several factors, such as:
  • Water dehydration: Water dilutes the minerals in the urine and flushes the bladder. Bladder stones can be caused by dehydration due to the minerals in concentrated urine.
  • An enlarged prostate: As men age, the prostate may get larger. This puts pressure on the urinary tube (which carries urine from the kidneys to your bladder). It can be difficult to empty your bladder completely due to the extra pressure.
  • Fallen bladder: After childbirth, some women experience a condition called Cystocele. The bladder’s weak walls can fall into the vagina, preventing the flow of urine.
  • Kidney stones: Bladder stones can be similar to renal stones. Sometimes, a kidney stone can travel into your bladder from your kidney. If the stone can pass into your bladder, it is usually possible to urinate out of your bladder. Rarely, patients with difficulty urinating will experience pain or discomfort from the stone getting stuck.

What are the Most Common Symptoms of Bladder Stones?

Some bladder stones come out with urine, and they don’t cause symptoms. Large bladder stones can irritate your bladder, causing severe pain, bleeding, and difficulty urinating. Signs and symptoms include:
  • Urinary tract infections. Bladder stones can cause infections of your urinary tract (UTIs). UTI symptoms include frequent, painful, cloudy, smelly urination.
  • Urine color changes: Your urine may appear cloudy or darkened, or bloody.
  • Frequent need for urination: It’s possible to feel as if you need to pee every time you go to the bathroom.
  • Urinating pain: It’s not uncommon to feel burning or pain from bladder stones. Sometimes, you may feel pain in your lower abdomen.

Bladder Stones Treatment

If you are dealing with any of the above symptoms and no other treatments have provided relief, you should visit your doctor for bladder stones treatment right away. Through a physical examination, you will receive a full diagnosis from a doctor in order to determine the best treatment for your bladder stones. Usually, you will need to have the bladder stones surgically removed. They can dissolve naturally. But you may have to spend too much time in pain.

Seek Immediate Relief Today

Whether you have small or large bladder stones, it is important to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Get in touch with Comprehensive Urology today to learn about the best bladder stones treatment in Los Angeles. You can schedule a personalized consultation to get help with your specific symptoms in order to come up with an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.